19 20/02
SSLT has launched a smart store cloud service platform based on the Internet of things architecture -- wanlianbao smart store operation management system 2020-02-19

The “Wan Lian Bao” cloud platform is deployed in three areas: clothing smart stores, book wisdom, and convenience stores. The “Wan Lianbao” architecture and platform are the core of the SSLT IoT system architecture, enabling interconnection from smart

10 19/11
盛世龙图推出智慧门店SAAS智能运营系统,扫码购、RFID多商品智能快速结算、云ERP、数据分析成为亮点 2019-11-10


19 20/03
SSLT company anti-theft system installed in the Beijing overpass impression museum 2020-03-19

Tianqiao impression museum is located in the underground exhibition space of the civic square at the intersection of beiwei road and tianqiao south street, with an area of nearly 3,000 square meters. It has the same architectural style as tianqiao art cen

19 20/03
SSLT intelligent anti-theft system contract Beijing world trade day ispace intelligent living hall 2020-03-19

ISpace, an Apple distributor from the United States, has officially launched in China. ISpace is an authorized apple reseller offering a full range of apple products, accessories, and services.

10 19/11
盛世龙图助力南京无人便利店 打造零售新业态 2019-11-10

    盛世龙图助力南京一件家无人便利店“A 便利”在南京正式亮相!盛世龙图作为南京“A 便利”无人便利店的超高频RFID产品与解决方案供应商,提供包括商品管理、进店、支付和