23 20/03
SSLT personal card verification system help "" city study" "to achieve brush face/id card books to borrow and return 2020-03-23

SSLT personal card verification system help "" city study" "to achieve brush face/id card books to borrow and return   City library, it is platform with computer and network technology, through integration multimedia technology, real

23 20/03
SSLT iot technology has helped build practice teaching bases of "unmanned supermarket", "smart clothing store", "smart library" and "smart bookstore" on campus 2020-03-23

As a smart retail data intelligence technology service provider, SSLT provides integrated products based on Internet of things, intelligent hardware terminal of artificial intelligence and big data platform (cloud ERP, intelligent hardware control and dat

19 20/03
Feelings of SSLT company after attending the shenzhen Internet of things exhibition 2020-03-19

The 10th international Internet of things exhibition in shenzhen has ended.While the show is over in time and place, a deeper dialogue and collaboration between the people of the Internet of things is just beginning.In this exhibition, SSLT company once a

19 20/03
SSLT company Suzhou Internet of things exhibition live broadcast 2020-03-19

19 20/02
New user experience fashion New highlights of shopping in seconds-SSLT "scan code payment" system business launched 2020-02-19

In March 2018, the SSLT Internet of Things technology "scanning code payment" system launched a "scanning code payment" mobile self-service mobile checkout brand new sales model, just use the mobile phone to scan the barcode of the pro